This is how I feel sometimes after getting off the phone with the insurance and phone company and the utility folks. I do wish I could reach through the phone and give them a slap up side the head for making things more complicated then they need to be. I spent two, "yes...two hours " with Verizon and they had everything so twisted around. All I wanted to do was cancel Tommy's account. Bless her heart she had it such a mess. I finally got switched to another lady, she started laughing at how messed up something so simple could be.
The vehicle insurance company ( local company) wasn't much better. Sent the wrong papers to sign. I caught the mistake and called the agent. He couldn't believe he had made a mistake. Really!!!
The worse was the Social Security office. The fourth time I called I had the pleasure of talking with the wicked witch of the west. I waited on hold for 40 minutes to talk with her, guess she needed to be reminded who pays her salary.