Friday, November 30, 2012

I"m still here.......

I didn't get lost and I haven't forgotten how to blog.....just been busy. Been getting our home decorated for the holidays and working a lot at Jubilee Flowers. After a long day most evenings all I want to do is snuggle with Thomas and relax. Hope all is well with my friends. Love you all........

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Birthday girl......

   It was a normal November day back in 1978, overcast and chilly. We relaxed most of the day just waiting for time to head to the hospital. I remember getting in the car and saying, "I think we have a low tire." Sure enough, but there was a baby on the way and there was no time to worry about a low tire.
   Sarah Danielle entered the world  on November 19th at 5:46pm. Weighing in at 5lb and 13oz and 18 inches. My heart was so full of love and my eyes were full of happy tears. She was beautiful.
I'm so proud of Sarah and the amazing woman that she has become. So proud when I get the chance to introduce her as my daughter. I'm proud and grateful for the inspiration, the joy and the remarkable love that has filled my life since the day I first kissed her little hand. Happy birthday Sarah..........

Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's official............

Yep, its official....When they put out the Cranberry Ginger Ale you know that the holiday season has arrived. I will be stocking up. Merry Christmas and a Ho Ho Ho.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Grandpa Peavler......

  With today being Veterans Day, I honored my Daddy for his service on Facebook. I want to salute my Grandpa Peavler who served in the Navy during WWl.
Not for sure when or where this picture was taken. I remember him telling me all the different country's that he had been. Grandpa lived up north and when I visited we had our special time. Being a proud veteran he raised "Old Glory" every morning and evening. I now look back and remember what an honor it was for me to stand there with him every morning and evening. Grandpa was the one who taught me the proper way to fold the flag. Still today every flag is folded just as he taught me.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Date Day..............

   Thomas and I enjoyed the day traveling in northern Jackson County. We went on the Country Neighbors Christmas Open House. It was a beautiful day after the fog lifted, the sun came out and it was a perfect day. I found a few things that I couldn't live without and we made note of a few things that Thomas could build for me.
    It was such an awesome day to have a date with my sweetie. Even though there were few leaves left on the trees, it opened the woods to see the hillside. Jackson County is beautiful no matter what season it is.......

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Saying goodbye.....

   Spent most of the day preparing for the winter, did I really say Winter??  Put straw in the ducks house and watched them root around till it was the way they wanted it. The chickens keep trying to help when I put new straw in their nest.

  Cut down most of my flowers. I couldn't help but remember how pretty they were this spring. I will miss them as I walk up the walk this winter.
Also cut down my Knock-out roses in front of the house. They were still blooming even after a couple killer frost. Some folks across this country never experience the four seasons. Their life must be boring. There is an excitement come spring when you see the first sign of a tulip peeping up through the soil. Or a morning sunrise in the fall when the the trees are blazing with color. Just leave me in Uniontown with Thomas and I will be quite content.