Sunday, August 30, 2015

Security lights.....

   While driving to work yesterday morning--extra early,for some reason security lights along highway 31 caught my attention. Now don't ask me why but as I said it was early. Early as still being dark. I'm sure some of you of thinking this is a little odd. But I'm sure that you have driven the some route for years and for some odd reason notice something different that you never seen before. I knew that Swifty Farms has a ton of them but then I began to notice some homes have two, one in the front yard and one in the back. Maybe they are really scared of the dark.
   Thomas and I have one at the side of the house. Thomas decided placing it there it would shine in the front and the back. When we started raising chicken he purchased one that runs on electricity so we can keep an eye on the coyotes as they come searching for dinner.
   The silly things that we notice during our day, silly to some but makes sense to us . I don't know why they caught my eye but it made an interesting drive. I stopped noticing them when I got to the S curve. Guess I left Vernon Township and it didn't matter anymore.
    My mind started thinking about the flowers that were waiting to be processed. I had funeral work to design. That was the reason for going in extra early, I had three funerals and I needed to get a jump on them before the doors open at 9am.
   I guess I could have taken a picture of security light for all of you, but I didn't think about it. I'll just show a few beautiful flowers......