Saturday, March 31, 2012

My gardens....

Creeping Phlox

Bachelor Button's


Cranes Bill Geranium

Peonies, almost ready to pop

Friday, March 30, 2012

A scoop of mulch goes a long way....

   Was outside this morning by 9:30. The morning air was chilly so started laying mulch in a sweatshirt, by noon I was in a t-shirt. I took a break to catch my breath, seen Daddy was out doing a few things so I walked up visited with him for a bit. Finally about 4:30 I had layed a scoop of mulch, sprayed for weeds and what i didn't spray I pulled. I wanted to get it layed today, weather man said storms later tonight. Sarah came out and gave it her stamp of approval. She said her garden was next, lucky for me she has a small one.
   The warm weather has the chickens laying more eggs. I'm able to fill my orders and still have some for us. Going to see about getting some new chicks this week. As you can see we gathered seven today......

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Working in the gardens......

   Yea.... I got a three day weekend to work in the soil, lay new mulch and work in my gardens. Thomas picked up a load of mulch today. He also put up the Martin bird house . Daddy spotted two scouts the other day, so they should be here in about a week or two. I put out my hummingbird feeder and filled up the bird feeders over the weekend. I would like to visit Stream Cliff Farm for a few new plants. My Bleeding Hearts didn't flourish last year like they usually do and I don't believe they will come back up this year. With gas over $4.00 a gallon I think I'll wait a few more weeks till I have a full list of flowers.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I"m good......

   I'm good for another four months...... Had a great check-up. Got to visit with all my wonderful nurses, it's always good to see them. My white blood count was down a bit but it wasn't low enough for Dr. Olivarez to be worried. We talked about how tired I get and she said it's all the chemo I took wearing me out. It could be another year before my body is back to normal. She said some people take two years to bounce back. Wow, a year is a long time, but I did take a lot of chemo. I'm just thankful that I got a good report.It was a long day and I was glad that I was extra busy with funeral work. But you know it doesn't really matter how busy I stayed, I was thinking about it every minute. I stayed positive and I knew I had all my friends sending positive thoughts.....thanks everybody, love you all...xoxo

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

   It's that time again....I headed to the Cancer Center bright and early this morning. Luann drew my blood and once again it hurt. I never felt the needle as it went into my vein before chemo, I would set and watch the needle go in. Use to drive Sandra crazy cause I would watch. I always gave blood when the blood mobile came into Crothersville. I was up two gallons when they would no longer accept it. The nurses told me that usually after chemo your veins are weaker and with all the needles over time it would become painfull. They were right, it does bring a tear to your eye.
   I go back tomorrow at 5pm to see if this damn cancer is still laying low. I do feel good, but I tire easy. So everyone send happy positive thoughts my way about that time. Even a little prayer would help....

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday's memories.....chemistry notes

   Sarah loves science, even when she was in elementary she excelled in science class. Always excited when she came home giving me every detail of what she learned. After graduation from CHS she enrolled at Ball State and majored in what else...biology, chemistry and zoology. Sarah had went across he hall one evening and was studying with the girls and she fell asleep studying her chemistry notes. The girls got her camera and took this picture.  I believe she got a 92% on her test.......

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Can you find the bee.......

I helped Daddy mow his yard Sunday afternoon and then I decided I better mow mine again. Seems it grew over night and I knew if I waited till Tuesday I would be raking. I don't like to rake so I mowed the whole yard again. My Redbud tree is loaded with blooms and the bee's are everywhere. Can you find the bee in the picture? Spring is bursting at the seams in my gardens, ya'll come out one evening and I'll give you the tour then we'll set on the back porch for a spell.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

   Why drive to a park to see pretty gardens when all I do is step out my back door.....

Friday, March 23, 2012

   Today was a day full of laughs, good friends and designing flowers. How blessed I am to have  two beautiful daughters, a perfect loving husband and both of my parents still with me. I have a circle of friends that love me just the way I am. I fight cancer every day and as this day comes to a close, I am the winner of the battle once again.....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Red Bud Tree....

   I mowed the yard today and it looks awesome. I was curious when I mowed for the first time last year, checked in last years journal and I mowed on March 31. I figured it would be later than that considering all the warm weather we've had. Daddy came back while I was mowing and we took a break for a while. Also, did more work in my gardens. Should be able to finish them tomorrow. Was glad that I had two days off in a row.
   A few years ago a dear friend of mine gave me two red bud trees. One made it and it's doing great...
I emailed him the other day and told him if he had any saplings to let me know. This tree is about eight foot now considering it was only a 12 inch sapling. See what a little tender loving care does.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Busy two days......

   So looking forward to a day off tomorrow. Been so busy the last two days. Monday morning when I pulled into the Jubilee parking lot there were five cars already there, I knew what lie ahead. I hurried in got the door open, lights on and the sympathy books ready in the family area. We decided on flowers, a spring mix to look like they were picked right from their Mom's garden. I knew just what they wanted. This one has to be a full casket spray.
   A few hours later one of the funeral directors called needed a casket spray also. Ok, no problem what is the family requesting. Sunflowers.....sunflowers in the spring I thought to myself. Seems Dad loved sunflowers. Called market  to make sure they were available. Yea...they have them!! I would have moved heaven and earth to get sunflowers for them. 
   Never a dull moment in the life of a florist. Went in early this morning had four boxes of new Vera Bradley to unpack. Never stand in the way of a lady and a new purse with a matching billfold, check book cover, eye glass case and heaven forbid we forget the matching umbrella......
   I've always taken pictures of my casket sprays and it's hard to get a good shot in the shop. The best are taken on a casket with a plain back ground. Enjoy.....

Monday, March 19, 2012

Queen Sandra....

   Every young lady anticipates becoming the queen when they step out on the stage at the Jackson County Fair. Sandra said she had so much fun and made a lot of new friends. Still today she stays in touch with a few of them. Lasting friendships and fun memories is what it's all about. Sandra may have not walked away with the crown that evening but she did a great job and she was a queen to her family.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


   Daddy came back today and helped me in my gardens. It was a beautiful winter day, yes it's still winter and will be for a couple more days. The weeds never stopped growing during what little cold we had. I should have counted the number of buckets I dumped. Daddy trimmed my Maiden Hair Grass. It's pretty during the summer, but a pain when you trim it. We finally got out my wheel borrow and filled it up. Sarah stopped by and said the gardens were starting to look pretty.
   I had a friend who gave me some starts of Peppermint. I planted them down at my flower shop and brought the rest out to the house. It will triple in a year and then it just goes everywhere. I have pulled on it for two days. So, my advice to you would be plant it where you don't care where it goes. I love to smell it in the morning and it's great to add to a vase arrangement but it just grows out of control. Even if you plant it in a container the seed will blow where you don't want it.
   So, if you're not doing nothing one day this week come out and help me finish......

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Feeling so much better....

   Got a few phone calls and text, people worrying that my cancer was acting up. Next time when I'm under the weather I will explain what's going on. I came home early Monday with a terrible case of the flu. Was in bed for two days. Feeling much better now.
  Seems I'm dealing with the same crap from the same numb-skulls once again. They will find out that I have the final word. I will not be plague by their childish actions. I was a little P****d when I wrote the post and I tried to be nice by explaining that even though I was once again being knocked around I will not falter nor give in.
   As the song says, life is full of hills and valleys and you have to stay focused, positive and sometimes you just got to stand your ground an in the end as you pull your train into the depot you will have over come (stayed on the tracks) all your battles. I will not give in (hand tight on the throttle) no matter how hard you try to over power me. Yes, I had the last word. Took care of my and everyone else problem. So now the fun and enjoyment can begin.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mountain Railway

   Daddy use to sing an old gospel song that talked about how life is like a mountain railroad. Some of the verses were:
   Life is like a mountain rail road, with an engineer that's brave. You must make the run successful from the cradle to the grave. Watch the curves, the fills, the tunnels. You will roll up grades of trial and you will cross the bridge of strife. You will often find obstruction, watch for storms, wind and rain. On the fill and curves they will almost ditch your train. See that Christ is your conductor on this lightning train of life. Keep your hand upon the throttle and your eye upon the rail.
 Once again my train is on a journey. A little wind, rain and a bit of obstruction will not ditch my train. Many times as I've encountered a hurdle I think of this song and I tighten my grip on the throttle and my eye stays on the rail.......

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lovin the sunshine........

   What a beautiful weekend. Hope everyone had a chance to get outside and enjoy. I couldn't stand it any longer, had to get the weeds out of my gardens. As you can see I had a bucket full. I let the ducks out to enjoy and checked on my bushes and trees. The magnolia is starting to bloom, it just popped this morning. Sure hope this weather stays but, there is always a chance for another snow. Remember we do live in Indiana. Try to get out this week and enjoy the sunshine. Weather lady said it could get 79/80 this week......

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Suit case finds......

8th grade field trip to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Don't we look cool....

Working on the our Junior Prom, Dan Murphy, Stan Lundy, Kenny Caudill and Denny Schill,

Senior Trip, Brian Wilson, Kathy Foster, Brad Watts, Stan Lundy and Denny Schill.

Lu Rothring, Dan Dorsey, Carol King, Mr. Rohr, Mrs. Vierling and Brian Wilson

Graduation Day, May 18, 1976. Kevin Osborne and Stan Lundy.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Old Memories.......

   This old suit case holds a lot of memories. I haven't opened it in over 15 years. I was up stairs in the attic of the garage looking through some totes left from my flower shop. I noticed the suit case and dug it out. I carried it to the porch and looked at it for a moment. I tried to remember what I had put inside so many  years ago. I knew I had stuff from when I was in high school. Possibly some stuff from Sarah and Sandra. I opened and begin going through it.........

   I couldn't believe the things that I was finding. A 1983 phone book, a couple Crothersville Times. My graduation program from 1976. Some old baby pictures of the girls. Programs from my Junior and Senior proms. Class pictures from a field trip when we were in the 8th grade. As I was going through these things I felt myself going back to those days, just as they were yesterday. I'll post some of my findings in the next few days.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday's Memories....two little girls

   Two little girls, who loved to have their picture taken. Sarah had just gotten off the school bus and Sandra had been setting on the front porch waiting on her to get home. They had been setting over by the tree talking about what Sarah had done at school that day. I got my camera and said, "Say, Puppies"

Sunday, March 4, 2012

FFA Judging....

   Sandra and I were judges at Crothersville High School Saturday morning, for the FFA District Contest. There was about 125 FFA members and over 60 judges. I judged horticulture and Sandra did job interviews. Thanks to district president, Denise Maxie for a job well done.

Friday, March 2, 2012


   When I woke up this morning, I felt uneasy. Wasn't sure why, Thomas was safe, Sarah and Sandra was ok. Emotions were running high. 
I say my prayers every morning for those I love and those who need guidence for the day. But as I closed my back door and locked the dead bolt, I stopped, put my hand on the door and asked the Lord to bless our home today and keep it safe from the storms that were suppose to come.
I now know why I was so uneasy.....