Sunday, April 29, 2012

Washington DC.....

   Just some of the places we visited in DC, it's my favorite place. There was no tour guide with us so I tried to explain the history and some facts about each memorial. There are tour guides in DC who get paid to go with each group. They carry their umbrella's high in the air for everyone to follow. The kids said I needed to get out my umbrella out for them. I just wish they had more time to spend at each memorial. Each memorial has it's own personal feeling. At The Wall there is the feel of hollowed ground. At the Korea War Memorial you need to look at the face of each solider and at Arlington you need to take a walk and feel the peace fullness as you look at each row of stones. You need to read their names and what war they served. Arlington is so huge that you could spend the whole day there. The kids were able to spend an hour at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider. I explained how everything was done in 21's.
   I"ll have more pics this week... 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Senior Trip.....

   What a great time everyone had, lots of sight seeing, walking and not much sleep. This class photo was taken in Central Park in an area dedicated to the memory of John Lennon, called Strawberry Fields. John lived across the street at,The Dakota where he was killed in 1980. His family scattered his ashes in this area.
   I have lots of pictures to share with everyone in the days ahead.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Beautiful Day......

What a beautiful day. Working at the flower shop today I knew that come evening I could spend some time at The Maxie farm and enjoy the evening . Thomas had a few things to mend for Linda, still doing the out with the old and in with the new jobs. Derrick and I enjoyed a short walk. A local farmer was tilling and you could smell the fresh soil. Linda and I compared notes for our trip next week. Going to have a great time. I'm almost packed and she hasn't even started. But never fear Linda is an awesome woman and she will have it packed in no time. Hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful day too....

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Hair Cut....

   Today was my first professional hair cut in almost a year. I've been keeping it in shape by trimming it myself. It was exciting walking into the shop after being gone for so long. Tammy said she was glad to have be back in her chair. She had seen me back in November and we talked about my thinning hair. Today she stated that I had a lot of new hair coming back and it was alot thicker. Becky took our picture as Tammy began cutting and we were all smiles. After Tammy had finished Becky said we needed another picture so that we would have a before and after. Maybe in a few days I will pack away the bag of hair that has been laying on my desk.....

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Derrick's Comfirmation Dinner....

Today was a special day for Derrick Maxie, we celebrated the occasion with a dinner and enjoyed the evening with family and friends......

Derrick opening his cards.....

Mom Linda and Derrick

Grandma Myers and Derrick

Dalton, Sister Denise and Derrick

Me and Derrick

When visiting the Maxie's you always end up at the barn to visit with the animals. Seems the pigs love marshmallow's. As soon as Denise gets the bag out they get excited and eagerly wait for her.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Party's and Prom's.....

Bird's of Paradise for a party....

Just one of the many corsage's we made today. Sweetheart roses use to be the flower of choice. But now day's the girls like the Gerber's with lots of bling.....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Frost.....

   Yesterday evening Thomas and I covered up as many flowers as we could. The weather man said freezing temperatures with heavy frost. I woke this morning about quarter till 8, put Thomas winter coat over my jammies and went outside to check my flowers. My poor flowers, I couldn't believe how thick the frost was. My Sweet Pea bush was bowed over and frozen. We tried to cover it up but the sheet was to heavy and bent the branches. I hurried, grabbed a bucket of water to wash off the frost. I've been told by other gardners that if you wash off the frost before the sun gets warm there won't be as much damage. I went around the garden and washed off what we didn't get covered. You can see by the picture how "hung over" the Sweet Pea was....


    You can see the frost on the sheet covering my Peonies.

   Later that morning.... Daddy wanted to up grade his flower garden and landscape like mine. We headed to Seymour, but first we had to pick up a new belt for Linda's lawnmower. We then went to the garden store and looked at some flowers that I thought would be good for Daddy's garden. We loaded up seven bags of mulch and a weed cloth. By then it was time for a break and we enjoyed lunch together. We headed home to lay the mulch and prepare the beds. Now we'll wait till after May 10, then we can plant. Maybe by then Mother Nature will have the weather figured out.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Baby Chicks......

   New baby chicks have arrived...six little Rhonde Island Reds. They are about a week old. We get six more this Friday. They are so cute to watch as they learn to peck for their food and to scratch. Just yesterday we were able to see their feathers start to grow. Thomas and I fixed their new home for the next month. Feed, water and heat lamp. Check back in about a week to see how they have grown.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday's Memories.....Cocoa Beach

   One of my favorite places is Cocoa Beach. Thomas and I have spent many days catching the rays and collecting sea shells. We've found some beautiful shells over the years. Can't wait to go back this summer.....

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday.....

   Today was a much needed no drama-peaceful day. I started my day a 5:30am. Attended sunrise service followed with a great breakfast. Came home, set on the porch for a bit then headed back to church for regular service. It's been a beautiful day, sunshine with a cool wind. Bristol, Lily and I took a long walk, enjoyed all my gardens and checked on the new tree's that I planted a few weeks ago. Hope the Easter Bunny left you all lots of chocolates.....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Looking in the mirror.....

No pictures tonight-nope, no pretty gardens, no cute pics of our girls.
I've had enough of deceitful, fraudulent, dishonest, deceptive people. People who work night and day to be deceptive. People who have nothing else better to do than be deceitful. I'm sure they look in the mirror a dozen times a day and say, "I am so awesome and laugh". Well, don't look to long cause we might have the last laugh.......

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Enjoying the evening....

   I'm setting on the porch, it's almost dark and it's so peaceful......think I'll just enjoy the sounds of living in the country. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday's Memories--Thomas

   Thomas loves baseball. He started out in Pee Wee and finished as a Senior in high school. Still today you can find him watching his favorite team-Cincinnati Red's. Maybe this summer we can venture over to Cincinnati for a game....