Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Saying goodbye.....
Spent most of the day preparing for the winter, did I really say Winter?? Put straw in the ducks house and watched them root around till it was the way they wanted it. The chickens keep trying to help when I put new straw in their nest.
Cut down most of my flowers. I couldn't help but remember how pretty they were this spring. I will miss them as I walk up the walk this winter.
Also cut down my Knock-out roses in front of the house. They were still blooming even after a couple killer frost. Some folks across this country never experience the four seasons. Their life must be boring. There is an excitement come spring when you see the first sign of a tulip peeping up through the soil. Or a morning sunrise in the fall when the the trees are blazing with color. Just leave me in Uniontown with Thomas and I will be quite content.