Saturday, June 28, 2014

Antiques and baby's.......

Our destination for the day was to find antique shops with the hope of finding some deals. This is what we found as we headed down one road. Thomas drove by it twice so we could get a good look at these two baby eagles. The nest was huge with tons of moss. These two baby's didn't have a care in the world as cars and trucks drove by. We've seen nest all week but this was our first to see baby's. Wish we would have been lucky enough to see the parents.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Relaxing view..........

                                                    Our view for the last few days....

Monday, June 16, 2014

Show #9559

It's been a busy three weeks. Lots of phone calls, paper work and late nights getting everything in order for the 39th Crothersville Red White & Blue Festival.

But come 10 Saturday night when those Zambelli fireworks went off I forgot how tired I was.......

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Return to Normal......

I was never so happy to turn the calendar to June the other day at the shop. Heather and I did the happy dance as we said, hello June.
 May was brutal, over 300 prom corsages, eight weddings, Mother's Day, graduation party's and all the everyday orders. I was over the 10 hour days and ready for things to return to a normal routine. This is what I was ready to return to....