Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Flip Flops.........

   I remember as a kid Mom and I would go to the dime store and but flip flops for the summer. You could buy a pair for 25 cents. I would wear them all summer long. I've rubbed many big toe's raw from riding my bike up and down the road not watching what I was doing. Band-aids don't stick to big toe's very well.
   Now that I'm older I still love my flip flops. Sarah and Sandra are always getting them as presents. They even get them at Christmas. Setting out on the porch this evening I was looking down at my tan lines from my flops. Wonder what folks think when I wear a different pair of shoes and they look at my tan lines......maybe they have never enjoyed life in flops.


                          Some of the best memories are made in flip flops.   ~Kellie Elmore

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Working hard........

Thomas and I have been working hard for the last few weeks. With some vacation time and a couple week-ends we've been putting in some long hours. We enclosed the hot tub and built a deck.

In between handing him boards I painted the chicken house. I love the stars!!!

While Thomas and I were working hard Cindy's husband Marty was putting a new tin roof on our home.
Can't wait till it's all done.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


   Linda called early Friday morning said her and Derrick were on their way out with 25 tiny baby ducks. For years I have taken care of (babysit) these little people. Saturday before the Jackson County Fair starts I take them over to their new home for the week. I teach them to go up the slide and I laugh as they go down.
  This year we were surprised that more than usual had not made the ride from the hatchery. They are shipped from a farm in Ohio and arrive at our Post Office during the night. We usually open the box and find maybe one or two have passed away. Not for sure what the problem was this year. Derrick placed them in the cage and helped me with their food and water. You have to dunk their little noses in the water a few times to teach them to drink. Since I'm now their Momma for a while I have to do what she would do. All you have to do is show a few and they all catch on. I noticed that two of them were not acting right, Linda and I wondered if they would be ok. One of them caught my eye as one usually does. He kept to his self and wouldn't huddle with the rest. I knew he was considered the outcast. I cuddled him for a bit and told him to he had to put on his big boy panties and make friends. I told the rest of them that they needed to be nice and to welcome him into the group.
   As I headed to the flower shop I worried about Theo. How many of us has been made to feel like an outcast. Been the last chosen to be on a team. Had our friends make us feel like we are not as good as they are. I have felt like Theo many times and so have you.
   When I got home Theo was cuddled with the group, I was glad they had been nice to him. I checked on him before heading to bed and they were all cuddled up asleep. This morning as I went to feed them I was heart broken that during the night they had turned on Theo. He was all wet where they had stepped on him during the night. I didn't think at first he was alive, as I picked him up he chirped, broke my heart. I held him and dried him off. I told him I was sorry and if I had known I would have taken him out and kept him inside last night. I placed him in a small box with a soft blanket and made him as comfortable as I could. I didn't know if they had injured him or just broke his spirit. I ask Thomas to keep an eye on him while I went on to the shop.
   When I returned he seemed a little better, I got him to drink and eat one little bite. Theo lived just a few more hours.
   Raising chickens and ducks I've learned that they are just like humans. There is a pecking order of who is the boss. If you don't measure up they will make your life unbearable. They will peck you to death. Thomas and I have seen it to many times. I'm not sure why the others didn't like Theo. The only thing I noticed was that his feathers were a little darker then theirs.
   As you journey through life be nice to everyone, you never know when you might meet a Theo...........

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Miss Liberty.......


 Closed since October 2012, Liberty Island opened today for the public. Super storm Sandy blew in with an  eight foot surge of water.
   America's most symbolic statue stood tall and proud as the land beneath her feet was being ripped apart.

I've had the privilege to visit her a couple times and each time she takes my breath away. I've stood top of Rock Center and you can see her standing tall in the harbor. She shines her light for all to see.

I can only imagine what was going through her mind as hurricane Sandy was raging at her. She's a tough lady...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


"It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine...it's summertime"
    ~Kenny Chesney