For many years I blogged on..."It's just part of your day." For some unknown reason and so were many others we got locked by spam. For months I tried everything that I knew of to try to unlock it. So I looked at the computer screen and said, "fine you win, I will start another one.
So here we go on my journey......
The title has so much meaning for me. I attended the funeral of a friend years ago and the pastor talked about our journey through life and when all is said and done your head stone list two dates-the day your were born and the day you died. The dash between the two represents your journey through life. So far my journey has been like a roller coaster. But it's been a good ride.
Wednesday my journey took a turn and then I came to a fork in the road. I stood there and thought...if I go left the road is full of pot holes, narrow roads on high cliffs with no guard rail and you walk it alone. If I choose to go right it has a few pot holes but the journey is filled with family and friends. Left cancer wins, right I win.
For the last 10 years I have been fighting cancer. It's been good so far and the test results have always been positive. The last 14 months the test have showed that the cancer increases with each test. The lymph nodes now grow at a faster pace as each day passes. Last September I had melanoma removed from my left thigh and it has snowballed ever since. I've know for a few weeks what the out come was but to hear the words...we need to start chemo.... your never prepared .
Cancer can really screw up the best made plans. I have no room on my agenda for this damn cancer. I'm stronger and more powerful and it just better get the hell out of my way.
Do I cry? Hell, yes I cry....alot. But I have an aswesome husband and two daughters and my circle of friends that support me. I will beat this damn cancer and I will laugh in it's face.
Stay tuned for the journey.................