Friday, July 29, 2011

Three down and three to go.....

   Wednesday chemo went pretty well. Thomas and I got to the center around 9am. They drew blood and then we began the chemo. A fill in nurse brung over Tylenol and the Benadryl. I told her I don't take Tylenol and she said are you sure? I told her to go check my chart. I made her show me the milligrams for the Benadryl. My regular nurse Debbie placed the needle in the vein that runs along the inside of my right  forearm. She said it look like a healthy vein. I said, we can try it. It didn't work as good as Debbie thought. Below the needle my arm stayed warm and above the needle it was stayed cold and there was a slight burning. They kept a warm blanket on it, it helped some. But we won't be using that vein again. Thomas and I headed home about 3:30pm. So I have three down and three to go.
   Cindy came by and visited with us, she brung me a bag of goodies. Thomas, Cindy and I had an awesome afternoon we laughed and enjoyed each others company. We got some pictures taken and they turned out great. Sandra stopped by on her lunch hour and said we were having to much fun.
   I felt good enough to do my floral design show at the fair last night. I chose a Christmas theme and all the ladies enjoyed it. It was a bit warm but at least there was a small breeze. A big "thank you" to Derrick for all his help.
  Today is day two and I've felt pretty good. I did start getting tired this afternoon. Heather and I worked on the displays in the show room. We have a fall theme with pumpkins, ghost and fall silks. The Vera Bradley is coming in a little each day. We've already had ladies coming in and making their purchases.
   Hope everybody has a good weekend......stay cool and be safe.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wednesday is number three.....

   Today is the last day of my feel great week. I've been so busy the past few days trying to get stuff done and preparing for my design show at the fair on Thursday July 28. I'll be ok during the show, day one is a high energy day. Sarah is going to help me...she loves doing the show with me.
   Update on the them over to the fair on Saturday afternoon and gave them a bath--I know what your thinking, ducks don't need help taking their bath. But they got a little messing towards the end. They out grew their pen. They needed to be pretty for when the kids came to watch them go down the slide. Linda just laughed as I bathed them. Derrick was keeping them in line for their bath. Check them out in the FFA building. The one with the small black spot on the top of his head is Felix!!! He gets to come back home with me after the fair is over. A few of them died and Linda says that is usual. I gave up on one who was near death. I took him from the pen and  laid him in a bag on Saturday morning. Saturday after coming back from taking the others over I kept hearing a baby duck quack. I checked the pen twice and then I looked over and there was the miracle duck standing tall quacking at me....."look at me over here"--"I'm alive and well." I picked him up cuddled him and gave him food and water. I told him he was a miracle duck and that I would call him Moses. Moses lived to be over 700 years old so I guess he earned his name. He's lonesome all by his self but Felix will be back and he will have a buddy.
   I entered baked goods at the fair in the family arts building. I received a blue ribbon on my open faced peach pie and a second on  from scratch angel food cake. My angel food cake stood four inches tall. The taller the cake the better. Sunday evening we cheered on Denise in the Fair Queen pageant. She was so beautiful and she worked the run way just like a professional. Guess those judges just weren't paying attention.
   Thomas and I will head to the Cancer Center tomorrow morning around 8am. They will draw blood  weight me and then start the chemo. It will be another long day. We have our reading material packed and we usually watch the Food Channel and then we just channel surf. Sure hope this one goes well and the side effects stay the same. I'll keep you posted. Send me good thoughts you all.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Feeling normal.....tibits of my week

   This week has been good.....:)  I feel like myself again. I've been busy at home and doing things here and there. They told me I would feel great a few days before the next round of chemo and then it starts all over again. But, I"m thankful for a few good days.
    Saturday Sandra was in a wedding and she looked beautiful. So did the bride Chelse!
   Even though it's been hot as fire outside I've worked in my gardens a bit, but way to hot to set on the porch.
   It's been extra busy at the flower shop. Our Vera Bradley arrived and we have a big wedding this weekend. The new bamboo floors are done and the show room looks great. We got all the displays back together. Heather is anxious to put out Fall. But, you know it will be here before you know it.
   Thomas and I ran errands yesterday. We took Bristol to get his nails trimmed. I tell him he's going to the beauty shop!!!  He loves going cause all the girls make over him and tell him how handsome he is. He gets treats from all of them. It's so funny to see him strut out the door like the stud he is. We just laugh at him.
  Cindy and I talked till 11pm last night, we had a lot to catch up on.
   Linda brung me 50 baby ducks that were 3 days old. When we opened the box one little baby didn't make the trip. I guess you could say I'm babysitting them until they go to the fair. These are the ducks that are in the FFA building. The one's who walk up the slide, get a bit and slide down the back side. They are now a week old and have doubled in size.
   Well, there you have my week of tibits. I know it's been a few days since I've written, but I've been trying to catch up on things while I feel good.
   Enjoy your evening!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day seven and eight....

   Today is day nine and it's a  much better day...Tuesday and Wednesday--day seven and eight were not good days. Everything runs in patterns and what day it is from the day of chemo. Those of you who know me know that I stay busy. There is always something to be done around the house either inside or outside. For the last two days I've laid around  the house feeling like I was coming down with the flu. I wanted to be outside but didn't have the energy.  I hate feeling like this but I guess I just have to let it run its course. My stomach was upset, nothing sounded good to eat and to beat it all, I had the trots....
Daddy came back and checked on me twice and Sarah and Sandra text often. Thomas is a great nurse!!
   I looked through my journal on how the days went on the first round. The symptoms were the same on each day but this round was different. I felt drained, nervous and just plain terrible. Dry toast and applesauce for lunch and baked potato for supper with a roll. You're thinking that's not enough to keep a bird alive. But it was enough for me.  
   It was explained to me as I receive each round that it wears more on my body. I"m glad to know whats ahead but it still doesn't make me look forward to four more rounds.
   What would I like to eat....a meat lovers pizza with lots of cheese...mmmm... doesn't that sound incredible. When you take a bit the pizza is so gooey that it strings as you pull it away from your mouth....ahh ....maybe I could try just one bite in about a week. Just to take a bite whether it agrees with me or not....

Monday, July 11, 2011

Famiy and Friends.....

   Hope everyone had a joyous weekend and was able to set a while and relax and take in the serenity of the day and enjoy some time with your is and should be the most important thing to us.
   My bff Linda wants me to stay busy, she wants me to get out and do things an not stay at home. So for the second straight Saturday she has found something for us to do. So Saturday we ended up at the Bartholomew County Fair. Our first thing to do was check out the chicken cages. Linda needs more for the Jackson County Fair and we got them counted out and decided how many she would need. Derrick was surprised of how many chickens were on display and all the different kinds. So I explained all the different kinds for him and he got a kick out of one hen who had laid a white egg. I told him she was a city hen, country hens lay brown eggs...
   We dined on a pork chop dinner and had an enjoyable time of going through the building and stocking up on pencils for Derrick.
   My hair is still thinning. It was getting really thin on the ends so I decided to cut it. I cut one side as to where I wanted it and ask Thomas to even it up. He said are you sure, it's going to take off about three to four inches?? Yes, I"m sure. He did an awesome job. Sarah checked it out the next day and she thought it looked a lot thicker. It does feel better and not so thin, which makes me feel better and not so self conscious.
   My symptoms are about the same as the first round. Today I have been more giddish inside than the last time.  I keep a record book of each day and record when I take my meds and any other things that the nurses would need to know.
   I want to thank Shelley for thinking of me during chemo, she always text me and wants to know how it's going. Then the next day she does the same.....How are you doing today Sherry Lou? Thank you Shelley...your a good friend....xo

Friday, July 8, 2011

Two down and four to go....

Chemo #2 went good. Thomas and I meet with the doctor and we explained how the Benadryl and Tylenol effect me. She understood from last time how bad I was. She said that I would receive only half of the Benadryl and no Tylenol. Yea.....what a relief. I never want to feel that way again. To be a zombie for 12 hours and have a conservation with people who are not even around to hear you talk to them. I just set there for a minute and was so relieved.
   They drew blood and checked my white blood count. It was down a bit but not enough to worry about for now. I just need to make sure I stay away from sick people and keep my hands washed. White blood cells fight off infection. My platelet count was good.
   We made our way to my chair and they begin to hook me up. I have to admit I was afraid. I started to tear up, Thomas touched my cheek and held my hand and said it will be fine. I just knew how I felt last time after all the Tylenol and stuff and I just didn't want to feel that way again.
   Last time I wanted to set in the garden outside the center but I was so out of it I couldn't even hold my head up. I really wanted to set outside today. I started to get cold and I ask Thomas if he would take me outside. So they got the IV in order and outside we headed. The sun felt so good. Thomas noticed that there were some weeds growing around the flowers. He said for me to over look the weeds cause he knows how I hate weeds in a  flower garden. We had a good laugh over me being picky about weeds and I told him when I beat this damn cancer I will come back and weed their garden.
   Linda and Derrick stopped by for a visit and I really enjoyed their company. Sandra came on her lunch hour and set with us for a bit. When my friends visit with me it makes the day go faster. Derrick was making me laugh and Thomas said it was good to see me laugh.
   It took five and half hours for this round and that's about normal. We headed home about 3:30pm. Thomas fixed me a grilled cheese and I laid down for a few hours.
   Sarah came by the house on her way home. She wanted to read my blood counts. She understands all of that stuff and she explained it all to me of what was good and how we need to watch some of the things.
  My only side effect for this round right now is that I get tired fast and I still have that metal taste. I worked today which is great. It keeps my mind off of cancer. I've been giddish most of the day but that is normal. That usually goes away in about 10 days.
   So I guess you could say all is good for now with round #2 behind me. Mental attitude is 100% of it. I refuse to let this damn caner rule my life. I keep pushing forward and leaving cancer in the dust. It will not catch me, I'm to fast for it. I will always stay two steps ahead of it.....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The start of my collection.....

   They told me it would happen. But I wasn't prepared for it. So I started my collection last night. My collection of hair that is.....
   I noticed a few extra hairs on the counter top as I combed my hair last week. Everyone loses hair each day, but this was more than just a few extra hairs. Where you would normally see five or six hairs this was 10 to 12.
   Last night as I washed my hair it was apparent that I was losing more than normal. As I ran my fingers through my wet hair it was coming out 15 to 20 strands at a time. I collected it and laid it on a kleenex to dry. I started to tear up as I stood there looking at my hair. I looked at my self in the mirror and I knew if I continued to comb it I would lose more. I reached down for my comb and gently combed though my hair with tears in my eyes I laid more hair on the kleenex. The more I combed the more came out. I finished up in the bathroom, moved my hair over to the side of the counter looked at it one more time and turned out the light. I turned down the bed and headed to the living room where Thomas was watching baseball. I wanted to tell him but if I did I knew I would break down and cry and I didn't want to do that.  I knew he would see it when he went into the bathroom. We talked for a few minutes, kissed good night and I headed to bed.
   I was still awake at 2am. I just couldn't get relaxed enough to rest. I dozed off a time or two but I kept waking up. I finally got up and headed to the office to find a book to read and headed back to bed about 2:45. I finally got to sleep but I never rested like I should have.
   I awoke this morning knowing that as I prepared for work that as soon as I combed my hair more would come out. It doesn't matter how easy you comb, it still comes out. I tried to be gentle but my pile of hair kept getting bigger. It took longer than usual to get ready. My usual soft hair felt stiffer and was harder to style. Finally I got it where it looked half way decent. I thought to one will be able to notice that I have lost some hair--but I will and it makes me very sad.
  Thanks to my Gramdma Peavler (mom's Mother) I have thin hair. My doctor said it might not all fall out but it would get really thin. That makes a thin haired person even feel worse. Knowing that you don't have that much to to start with. I took pictures of my hair and sent it to Sarah and Sandra. Sandra said let it fall out, then you can look forward to it growing back. I guess that's one way to look at it.
   Tomorrow is chemo #2. I meet with the doctor at 9:15am, get my blood work, then begin chemo.
I hope they have a new game plan. Thomas is glad we get to meet with her so we can discuss my options for this round.
